Adaptation of the corporate governance system to the prevention of crimes under Legislative Decree 231/2001

Registered office: Via Vittoria Colonna, 40 – 20149 Milan
Corporate office: Viale Italia, 173 – 57127 Livorno
Corporate office: Via Vittoria Colonna, 40 – 20149 Milan

REV 02: Update of registered and corporate offices
Date: 13/06/2023

Drafted by: Marco GazzarriniAdministrative Manager
Approved by: Michela MorelliSole director

First Class srl

Specialised in the organization of conferences, meetings and events in general, with experience, professionalism, and expertise, First Class S.r.l. designs and implements customized activities to reach the client’s objectives.

In particular, the company organizes, in Italy and Europe:

  • congresses, meetings, and conferences,
  • refresher courses,
  • internships,
  • incentive travels.

Since 2015, the company has been accredited as a final provider to issue training credits for Ongoing Medical Education. In the case of European events, the company has been accredited as a provider since March 2017 and issues training credits according to the provisions established by the UEMS under the EACCME system.

Since 2007, the company has implemented a Quality Management System under standard UNI EN ISO 9001, certified by the Lloyd’s Register Certification Body and continuously updated.

The company’s core business is mainly related to the organization of training events aimed at healthcare personnel. The main external factors influencing the service are therefore linked to the context of ongoing education in healthcare and to the provisions that regulate this training system in Italy and internationally.


Code of Ethics First Class S.r.l.
